Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Almost there!

Hello wanderers of everywhere

I have been quite busy lately but that doesn't prevent me from following Victor and staying in touch with him. Better still, I am delighted to read short surprise-messages from him to find out where he is and what kind of wind dries his t-shirt off.

Getting straight to the point, the last donation we've received almost two weeks ago was from a respectable man Victor met in Switzerland and who allowed him to spent his night in the hotel room he was renting on a pass of the many that Victor had ridden through. I was so excited and not as much for the sum he donated but because HE MET VICTOR WHILE HE WAS LIVING THE ADVENTURE OF HIS AND BECAME PART OF THAT ADVENTURE AND WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING THAT HE HAD ALREADY BEEN MENTIONED IN ONE OF VICTOR'S ARTICLES! He has just been following Tail Wind Around the World since, found out about the campaign and proceeded! How cool is that?! :)

Thanks to these extraordinary people we managed to raise almost 140 British Pounds. Upon having discussed the subject with Victor, looking through the list of affordable tablets, we decided for an Asus or A Lenovo tablet. Even though that's enough for the actual tablet, I would love to get a protective cover for it and to send it to France (where Victor is these days) with a post insurance. I've already got a couple of unused screen protectors that will fit the 7 inch tablet and by the way, if you have any suggestions/info/advice regarding the brand/source/price or anything that could help, please let us now!

I'd really love for Victor the have his tablet in August so he can write the first article on it, but we decided to campaign for a bit longer! If you wonder what I am talking about, please read the older posts on this blog,
or find out who Victor is by checking his Facebook page or read his blog.

If you want to DONATE, please click the DONATE button on the right side of this page!

If you've got questions like:

Who are you?
Why can't I access the links?
How could I donate a protective cover?

....and so on, please write us!

'till then, enjoy the ride! :)

Monday, July 14, 2014

Aproape acolo!

Seara buna, dragilor!

Am fost destul de ocupata saptamanile astea, dar asta nu inseamna ca nu tin pasul si nu pastrez legatura cu Victor! Ba chiar mai mult, ma bucur de scurte mesaje-surpriza de la el, din care aflu pe unde mai e si ce vanturi ii mai usuca tricoul!

Voi trece la subiect! Am primit ultima donatie acum o saptamana si ceva, de la un domn distins pe care Victor l-a intalnit in Elvetia si care i-a permis sa se foloseasca de camera lui de hotel pentru o noapte, intr-unul din pasurile pe care le-a strabatut luna trecuta! Am fost extrem de entuziasmata si cu toate ca suma a fost exorbitanta (mai ales raportandu-ne la suma-obiectiv), ce m-a impresionat cel mai mult a fost, de fapt, faptul ca a donat PENTRU CA L-A INTALNIT PE VICTOR IN DRUMUL SAU SI I-A CUNOSCUT AVENTURA FACAND PARTE DIN EA  SI NESTIIND POATE CA DEJA FUSESE MENTIONAT INTR-UNUL DIN ARTICOLELE SALE. L-a urmarit si inca il urmareste pe Facebook, a aflat despre campanie si a actionat! Cat de frumos?!?!

Datorita acestor cativa oameni extraordinari, am strans aproape 140 de lire. In urma discutiilor cu Victor, rascolind oferta de tablete cu pret accesibil, am decis sa alegem intre Lenovo si Asus. Deocamdata ar fi de ajuns, dar imi doresc foarte mult sa cumpar si o coperta protectoare si sa o trimit in Franta (acolo unde Victor va fi in perioada aceasta) cu asigurare. Am deja niste folii protectoare pentru ecran pe care nu le-am folosit niciodata si se vor potrivi ecranului de 7 inch al tabletei pe care o vom cumpara. APROPO, daca aveti orice fel de sugestii referitoare la tipul tabletei sau orice altceva ce ne-ar putea ajuta, scrieti-ne!

Imi doresc foarte mult ca in August Victor sa aiba deja tableta si sa scrie primul articol folosind-o, dar ne-am propus sa continuam campania inca o perioada! Daca nu stiti despre ce vorbesc aici, va rog sa cititi postarile mai vechi de pe acest blog sau, pentru a-l cunoaste mai usor pe Victor, vizitati-l pe Facebook aici sau cititi-i blogul aici.

Daca doriti sa DONATI, dati un click pe butonul DONATE care se afla in partea dreapta a acestei pagini.

Daca aveti intrebari precum:

Ce face Victor?
Cine sunteti voi?
De ce nu pot accesa linkurile?
Cum putem dona o coperta pentru tableta?

Nu ezitati sa ne scrieti!