Thursday, August 14, 2014

August are gust bun/August tastes good

Seara buna, dragi calatori ai lumii!

Am venit din vacanta, gata sa fac ultimii pasi catre finalizarea micii noastre campanii! Venim cu un pic de intarziere, tocmai pentru ca am fost departe de internet timp de doua saptamani!

Inca avem nevoie de donatiile voastre!

Victor e si el rupt de net in perioada asta, aud ca a castigat primul trofeu, plutind pe o ciudatenie construita in Franta, dar scrie tot timpul! Aici este cel mai recent articol de pe blogul lui! Articol lung, plin de fotografii si aventuri! Eu sunt cel putin cucerita si transpusa intr-un alt spatiu de fiecare data cand il citesc!

Butonul pentru donatii se afla in partea dreapta a acestei pagini, iar pentru a afla mai multe despre motivele pentru care il sustin pe Victor, cine este el de fapt si ce face, va invit sa cititi cele mai recente 3 articole de pe acest blog ori sa dati o tura pe pagina lui de Facebook!

Bon chance, Victor!

Si ne vedem in Londra! ;)

Good evening, dear wanderers of the world!

I have come back from my holidays, ready to take the last few steps in finalizing our little campaign! We're just a wee bit late with our activities, due to being away from the internetz for 2 weeks!

We still need your donations!

Victor is also quite far from the online these days, I hear he won the first trophy of his tour, rowing on a weird thing built in France, but he writes as often as he can! Here you have his latest article on the blog, which is a long article, full of photos and lovely tales! I am blown away with every article he writes and taken all the way to the places and moments he describes!

The Pay Pal donation button is still there, on the right side of this page and if you want to read more on the reasons why I support Victor in getting a tablet, who he is and what he does, please check the 3 most recent articles on my blog or just visit his Facebook page Tail Wind Around The World!

Bon chance, Victor!

And see you soon in London! ;)
