Saturday, November 28, 2009

o zi

eu incerc sa le fac bine, dar nu-mi iese intotdeauna si incerc in mod natural, nu calcand peste morala proprie. Poate de-asta am avut o saptamana superba. Dar chiar si asa...


There's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I'm too tough for him,
I say, stay in there, I'm not going
to let anybody see


Don't undress my love
you might find a mannequin:
don't undress the mannequin
you might find
my love.

“If you're losing your soul and you know it, then you've still got a soul left to lose”

"You begin saving the world by saving one person at a time; all else is grandiose romanticism or politics.”

“The difference between a democracy and a dictatorship is that in a democracy you vote first and take orders later; in a dictatorship you don't have to waste your time voting.”

"Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead"

"That's the problem with drinking, I thought, as I poured myself a drink. If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget; if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate; and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen."

"you have to die a few times before you can really

" that drunken place
you would
like to hand your heart to her
and say
touch it
but then
give it back."

"A love like that was a serious illness, an illness from which you never entirely recover."

"There's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I'm too tough for him,
I say, stay in there, I'm not going
to let anybody see

there's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I pur whiskey on him and inhale
cigarette smoke
and the whores and the bartenders
and the grocery clerks
never know that
in there.
there's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I'm too tough for him,
I say,
stay down, do you want to mess
me up?
you want to screw up the
you want to blow my book sales in

there's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I'm too clever, I only let him out
at night sometimes
when everybody's asleep.
I say, I know that you're there,
so don't be
then I put him back,
but he's singing a little
in there, I haven't quite let him
and we sleep together like
with our
secret pact
and it's nice enough to
make a man
weep, but I don't
weep, do

Charles Bukovski. I like this guy.

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